

ESG Award 2023

US$ 48m

US$ 48m

Contribution to
the local economy



School mine concept



Of the managers
are Malian

. People

Robex is committed to local employment from local communities
of the workers at Nampala are Malian nationals

Enhancing the well-being of the individuals in our surrounding communities and sharing the benefits generated by our mines is integrated into our business approach. Through various sustainable development initiatives, we aim to make a tangible and lasting impact.

Since the beginning, Robex focused on local recruitment and training to demonstrate our commitment to Mali. In 2021, the Company reported:

  • 97% of the Nampala workers are Malian nationals;
  • 34% of the workforce are from the surrounding villages;
  • 31% of the workforce is from the Sikasso region;
  • 78% of the 45 managers are Malian; and
  • 100% of the managers in the eight subcontracting structures are Malian.


The Nampala mine believes that its most significant contribution to sustainable and responsible development is to help its Malian employees obtain or complete their professional qualifications, thereby ensuring long careers. This is why the Nampala mine is often presented in Mali as a mine‐school.

The mine also ensures that these employees have access to the social rights and trade union rights accorded by Malian law. By implementing a damage prevention system, the mine established a system of solidarity. The mine has also integrated its subcontractors’ employees into its medical monitoring procedures.

. Health & Safety

incidents related to human rights at Nampala over the last 5 years

The nature of mining means our workforce could be exposed to a range of occupational health hazards, including noise, injuries and the potential for chemical and dust inhalation.

Robex has established a strong safety culture, which starts at the top and is strongly supported and reinforced on site via regular training, empowering of our people to understand and manage the risk associated with their role, as well as those of their colleagues.

Robex has a specific Health and Safety Management Plan that applies to all our employees and contractors, in line with the requirements of ISO 45001 and ISO 14001. The iso certification was received in April 2024.


Employees that are in charge of HSF/OHS are International Labour Organisation-certified. All accidentogenic situations are monitored, incidents are analyzed, and subsequent reports are widely disseminated.

. Environment

We are committed to advancing sustainability and ambitious power solutions

Robex is committed to responsibly mine, manage, mitigate and minimize the impacts of its operations on the environment. To support this strategy, Robex completed in July 2022 the solar hybrid power plant at the Nampala site, setting the first step of its solar journey. At the same time, Robex signed an agreement for Vivo Energy to provide a further hybrid solar and thermal power solution to the Kiniero Gold Mine in Guinea.

In Mali, this hybrid production and supply project, includes a 3.9 MWp solar photovoltaic power plant and a 6.0 MWh battery which, through the energy management system, is fully integrated with the mine’s existing thermal power plant to always ensure a continuous supply of power to the mine.

The Project was implemented as a power purchase agreement that fast tracked development and optimize risk allocation for Robex.

In Guinea, the contemplated electrical supply is based on a hybrid system of diesel generators with a capacity of approximately 16,400kW, as well as a Solar Photo-Voltaic (PV) plant with total capacity of approximately 17,820kW. The benefits of the hybrid system were identified as being:

  • Reduced carbon footprint;
  • Lower energy costs;
  • Reduced emissions for diesel;
  • Reduced diesel consumption and thus less transport of diesel required (reduced traffic load); and
  • Enhanced security of power supply.

. Social

Robex is committed to helping to create resilient and self-sustaining communities
US$ 70m
Capital investment so far

The mine has created a training centre with a specialized employee, dedicated full‐time to running it. The centre offers many diversified types of courses. Depending on the subject matter, the training may also be provided to the employees of subcontractors. Furthermore, 25 Malian managers at the mine have been sent to Canada and France for training.

One direct impact of this policy has been that the number of expatriates has been reduced, and the upper reaches of the organization chart for the Nampala site now consist of 44 Malian managers, 4 managers from the sub‐region and only 8 expatriates.

But the Nampala mine has also concerned itself with those with the greatest learning needs. To this end, the Company has established a literacy program for the mine’s adults and for people with community responsibilities, in cooperation with the Government of Switzerland. In the coming months this literacy centre has programmed 65,000 hours of training for 126 students from the company and neighbouring communities. It should be noted that it is very rare for a government body to agree to work directly with a private company in this way.

Do you Want to Know More about Us?

Robex is committed to responsible mining and delivering sustainable value to our employees, stakeholders and the communities in which we operate.

. ESG Documents Database

  • 2020
  • environmental policy
Politique Environnementale
  • 2019
  • environmental policy
Politique Environnementale
  • 2017
  • environmental policy
politique environnementale
  • 2022
  • Health and safety policy
Politique de sante et securite
  • 2021
  • Health and safety policy
Politique de sante et securite
  • 2020
  • Health and safety policy
Politique de sante et securite
  • 2019
  • Health and safety policy
Politique de sante et securite
  • 2017
  • Health and safety policy
Politique de sante et securite
  • 2016
  • Health and safety policy
Politique de sante securite